Governors Letter June 2024

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Liebe Zontians im Distrikt 14,

Nun ist es soweit. Zwei Jahre sind vergangen und meine Zeit als Governor ist bald vorüber. Es ist mir eine große Freude, Sie zum Abschluss meines Bienniums nochmals über die aktuellsten Entwicklungen im Zonta-Distrikt 14 zu informieren. In den letzten Monaten hat sich in unserem Distrikt viel getan, von engagierten Area Meetings bis hin zur Gründung neuer Golden Z Clubs, die sich der Förderung unserer Mission verschrieben haben. Hier ist ein detaillierter Überblick:

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Area Meetings

Unsere jüngsten Area Meetings fanden am 13.und 14. April in Nürnberg (Area 03) sowie in Veszprem (Area 01) am 20. und 21. April statt. 

Es waren interessante Treffen, bei denen die Mitglieder zusammenkamen, um Ideen auszutauschen, Verbindungen zu knüpfen und unsere freundschaftlichen Bande zu stärken, aber auch um gemeinsam zu feiern.

In Ungarn durften wir das 30-jährige Jubiläum mit dem Zonta Club Veszprem bei einem Gala-Dinner und einem öffentlichen Empfang im Rathaus feiern. Die Anwesenden Gratulanten und Festredner aus Politik, Wirtschaft und der Zivilgesellschaft betonten alle, die wertvolle Arbeit und die Bedeutung des Clubs für das öffentlichen Leben in der Region Veszprem.


Weitere Neuigkeiten: Neue Clubs im Distrikt 14 in Gründung!

Ich freue mich sehr, allen mitteilen zu können, dass weiterhin mit voller Kraft daran gearbeitet wird den ZC Trento (Dank an Danila Dellagiacoma) und den ZC Kairo (Dank an Hoda Tawfik) zu gründen. Ich möchte allen, die sich in diesem Biennium für die Gründung von neuen Clubs eingesetzt haben, meine tiefste Anerkennung aussprechen. Ina Wäßerling hat sich hier ganz besonders intensiv engagiert und wichtige Pionierarbeit in unserem Distrikt geleistet.

Im Zusammenhang mit unserem Wachstumsbemühungen ist es mir eine große Freude, die gelungene Gründung des Golden Z Club Lovassy Veszprém, sowie des Golden Z Club Olympe Fränkisches Seenland bekannt zu geben. Der gesamte Distrikt wünscht den jungen Damen viel Glück und viel Freude bei ihrem Engagement für unsere ZONTA Ziele. Besonderer Dank gebührt Nóra Kristóf (ZC Veszprém) und Réka Németh (ZC Sombathely und Incoming Area Director) für die hervorragende Unterstützung bei der Gründung des Veszprémer Clubs. Weiters möchte ich mich herzlichst bei den Mitgliedern des ZC Fränkisches Seenland für ihr großes Engagement und für ihre Unterstützung bei der „Geburt“ ihres neuen Golden Z-Clubs bedanken.  

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Kommunikation wirkt

Das District 14 Committee Chair Team für Z und Golden Z Clubs rund um Gundula Viering konnte in diesem Biennium sehr gute Arbeit für und mit den Nachwuchs-Clubs leisten. Besonders in den Instagram Auftritten der Clubs kann man die aktuellen und brisanten Themen erkennen, die für junge Frauen in der heutigen Gesellschaft wichtig sind und auf die wir unser Augenmerk richten sollten. Ich empfehle Ihnen den Clubs auf Instagram zu folgen:

Golden Z Club Würzburg Amelia
Golden Z Club Olympe
Lovassy Golden Z Club

Leider muss ich aber in diesem Zusammenhang auch mitteilen, dass wir in Österreich (Area 01) zum Ende dieses Bienniums einen Club verlorenen haben. Der Zonta Club St. Pölten hat seine Aktivitäten eingestellt, da es für den Club nicht möglich war neue und vor allem jüngere Mitglieder zu finden.


Awards und Stipendien

Zwei junge Damen sind in diesem Frühling von Zonta International mit einem Award bzw. einem Stipendium ausgezeichnet worden. Unsere Young Women in Public Affairs Award Gewinnerin 2024, Réka Mohosi,kommt aus der Area 01 und hat sich über den Zonta Club Veszprem beworben.

Unter den 30 Zonta International Amelia Earhart Fellows für 2024 hat eine Kandidatin der Universität Innsbruck, Carmen Possnig,für den Studien-Bereich Space Physiology das Amelia Earhart Stipendium erhalten. Wir gratulieren den jungen Damen und wüschen ihnen alles Gute für ihren weiteren Berufsweg.

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Herausragendes Projekt des Zonta Club Beirut mit Unterstützung des D14

Im Mai konnte der Zonta Club Beirut ein Nähprojekt zur Stärkung der Frauen im Libanon starten. Der Spendenbeitrag von 10.000 US$ ist das Resultat bzw. der Überschuss, den wir bei unserer erfolgreichen Distrikt Konferenz in Wien erwirtschaftet haben, mittels großzügiger Förderung der Konferenz durch die Stadt Wien. Die finanzielle Unterstützung wird vom Zonta Club Beirut verwaltet und hilft vor Ort die Zonta Mission zur Stärkung der Frauen voranzutreiben.

Damit können wir den Frauen im Libanon wichtige Ressourcen, Schulungen und Unterstützung zur Verfügung stellen, damit sie die erforderlichen Nähfertigkeiten entwickeln und eine nachhaltige Existenzgrundlage für sich und ihre Familien schaffen können.

Das Engagement unseres Clubs in Beirut für die Stärkung der Rolle der Frauen ist wirklich inspirierend, und wir freuen uns sehr, dass es gelungen ist dieses Projekt zu realisieren.  


Spenden-Ergebnis in diesem Biennium für Zonta Foundation

Voller Stolz können wir alle auf unser Spendenergebnis in diesem Biennium blicken. Wir erreichten im Vergleich zu allen anderen Distrikten den hervorragenden 9. Platz mit einer Spendensumme von $177.993,23. 40 Clubs waren daran beteiligt und 1125 aktive Members. Das bedeutet, dass jedes Mitglied $158,22 gespendet hat.


Convention Brisbane

Ich freue mich sehr einige von euch bei der Convention in Brisbane wiederzutreffen und wünsche schon jetzt meiner Nachfolgerin Jutta Trube das Allerbeste für ihr Biennium. Mögen ihre Ziele sich erfüllen und ihr Weg ihr viel Freude bereiten.

Bitte nicht vergessen:

D14 Treffen in Brisbane: 26. Juni  19:30 Uhr Restaurant Ole, B12 Little Stanley St:  Website

D14 Fototermin: So. 30 Juni 8.30 Uhr auf der Treppe auf der Seite des Kongresszentrums in der Merivale Street, die vom Erdgeschoss zur Seite des großen Saals führt.


Abschließend möchte ich mich für zwei inspirierenden Jahre als Governor bedanken, für Ihre harte Arbeit, Ihre Leidenschaft und Ihr Engagement für die Stärkung von Frauen und Mädchen – das sind die treibenden Kräfte hinter dem Erfolg von Distrikt 14. Erlauben Sie mir noch einen großen Dank an mein Board auszusprechen, dass diese beiden Jahre immer an meiner Seite gestanden hat. Es war nicht immer leicht, aber gemeinsam haben wir es geschafft.

Großer Dank an:

  • Board Liason – Renée L.Coppock
  • Lt. Governor – Wafaa Daou
  • Treasurer – Kathrin Stenner
  • Secretary – Janine Fehn
  • Parlamentarian – Isabel Rameil

  • Area 01 Director – Ivana Tomljanovich-Rudar
  • Area 02 Director – Danila Dellagiacoma
  • Area 03 Director – Elisabeth Jentschke
  • Area 04 Director – Najwah al Halabi
  • Advocacy Chair – Henrike Johannson
  • Bylaws and Resolution / Club Creator Chair – Ina Wässerling
  • Foundation Ambassador Team – Margot Fleck und Kathrin Tatschner
  • Nominating Chair – Christiane Walter
  • Greater Visibility Team – Gabi Strohriegel und Birgit Farnleitner
  • JMK Women in Scholarship Chair – Carmen Kronawettleitner
  • United Nations Committee Chair – Charlotte von Bodelschwingh
  • WIT Chair – Jutta Trube
  • YWPA Award Chair / D14 Conference Chair – Birgit Farnleitner
  • Z- and Golden Z-Club Chair – Gundula Viering
  • Auditors – Franziska Bickel und Karin Koller Wagner 

Lasst uns unsere gemeinsamen Bemühungen fortsetzen, die Werte und den Auftrag von Zonta aufrechtzuerhalten, während wir im Distrikt 14 vorankommen.
Mit Zonta-Spirit!


Eure Heike

Governor D14 2022-2024

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Governors Letter February 2024

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Dear Fellow Zontians! Dear Members of D14!

Welcome to the latest newsletter from our district. Today I would like to share with you some important information about upcoming events and dates. But first of all, a final review of our conference in Vienna. 
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Our outcome of the D14 conference in Vienna

Thanks to a very generous grant from the Vienna Convention Bureau (€ 6,000), economical management and punctual invoicing, we managed to achieve a surplus of € 10,000 from the conference. 

The District Board and the organizing clubs have decided to donate this money to the Zonta Club Beirut for their project 'Mresty ZC Beirut'. The project was on the agenda for decision at the conference, but had to be taken off the agenda at the time due to various circumstances in Lebanon. Now the Zonta sisters in Beirut have succeeded in creating the framework conditions so that the project can be implemented and the money can be transferred safely. We are proud to support this iniciative. 

With warmest regards,

Heike Schmidt
Governor District 14

If you have recently not checked our District 14 website for all the presentations and minutes of the Confernece, please find here the link.  
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Register for Brisbane, Australia!

Have you registered for the 2024 Brisbane Convention yet? Take advantage of the early bird registration rate from now untill 15 March to secure your spot and join us for an unforgettable experience from 27-30 June.

As we raise our voices for women and girls - 

join us in person or virtually, in Brisbane, Australia

Some important info and FAQ’s:

Voting Members.

Voting members at the international level shall be members of the Zonta International Board, past international presidents, governors and delegates from each club in good standing.     

(a) Clubs.             

(1) Each club of Zonta International shall be entitled to one delegate and alternate.

(2) If the membership of any club, based upon the dues payment through 1 March, exceeds 30 members, the club shall be entitled to a second delegate and alternate.

(3) If the membership exceeds 60 members, the club shall be entitled to a third delegate and alternate.

(4) A delegate may carry the total votes to which the club is entitled.

(5) A member of the Zonta International Board shall not be a club delegate or alternate.  

(b) Proxies. Any club may be represented by proxy.            

(1) A club choosing to be represented by proxy shall be entitled to its total votes by proxy.

(2) A club may carry the proxy votes from two other clubs except that the total votes carried by one club may not exceed five.

(3) A club with a delegate, who must leave an in-person voting event due to an emergency, may give a proxy to a delegate of another club.  

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UN News Nr. 2

Herewith you can find as download the UN District 14 Newsletter No 2 – English and German version – from UN District Chair Charlotte von Bodelschwingh. Please pass it on to your club members - it contains a lot of information about CSW 68 and the NGO CSW 68.

Newsletter UN 2024 E

Newsletter UN 2024 D


Join Zonta at CSW68 virtually or in-person

There is still time to join your fellow Zontians at the 68th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68), 11-22 March in New York either in-person or virtually. This year's priority theme is "Accelerating the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls by addressing poverty and strengthening institutions and financing with a gender perspective."

Did you know?

  • Women and girls in fragile countries and areas are 7.7 times more likely to live in extreme poverty or on less than $2.15 a day.
  • In the worst-case climate scenario, an additional 158.3 million women and girls could be pushed into poverty by 2050.
  • Currently, 10.3 per cent of women worldwide are living in extreme poverty

On 12 January, the Secretary General released his report on accelerating the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls by addressing poverty and strengthening institutions and financing with a gender perspective. The link to the Secretary General Report for CSW68 can be found here


Learn more about the 2023 Women in STEM Scholars.

We are proud to share more information on the 2023 Zonta International Women in STEM Scholars. Zonta International's Women in STEM Scholarship encourages women to pursue education, career opportunities and leadership roles in STEM fields. Read the 30 recipients' bios today.

We are very proud that we have a dedicated team in the District that announces and manages its own STEM District Award. Please find all information for 2024 in the following link.

D14 STEM Award Applications are open
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Celebrate Rose Day with a tribute

Rose Day, 8 March, is quickly approaching. It is the perfect opportunity for all of us to reflect on past achievements and give tribute to honor the current efforts of those working toward gender equity.

Tell us, who has been building a better world for women and girls in your community?

Important Dates

15 March: Early Bird Registration closes for Convention

Governors Letter December 2023

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Dear Board and Commitee-Members of the D14,

Dear Presidents of the D14!

My Zonta Christmas Wishlist

If I could wish anything for Christmas, it would be: no more family and domestic violence, no more child marriages, better access to educational opportunities for women and girls, equal pay for women doing the same work as their male counterparts, respect for others in all relationships, and peace everywhere. But since I know this will not be possible, I ask you, dear Zontian, to support me in making the world a little better. 
I thank you for all your commitment, your dedication to women and I look forward to seeing you all again. 

A peaceful and reflective Christmas to you all in the circle of your loved ones!

Yours in hope, Heike

PS: Please read below all the useful and great information from and for our District 14 which I have prepared for you. Thank you.


The16 Days of Activism campaign is successfully done and I know all of our clubs have participated. Thank you for all the great activities and I was deeply impressed of your commitment and power to this important issue. Please feel free to tag me on your Club's Facebook page or other social media posts so I can get the latest news of your club activities- and don’t forget to use the hashtag #zonta14 every time!

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Share your story for visibility

Please send your best practice examplesand photos from your 16 days campaign work to our District Communication Committee for Greater Visibility ! And don't forget to upload photos together with a short text to the "Share your story" section on the Zonta International website.
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Your donation makes a difference

Thank you for your donation to the “Every Member - Every November” campaign - or “Giving Tuesday”, 29 November. Zonta International needs every cent to fund its international service projects and continue to advocate for women's issues.

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Awardees and scholarships

Now let me announce the name of the2022 District D 14 Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarshiprecipient: Ms. Rosanna Pottmann submitted by the ZC Vienna Parkring

Also a big congratulation to the Young Women in Public Affairs Awardee: Ms. Chiara Hoffman-Kuhnt from Zonta Club Munich I

And a big congratulation to the Amelia Earhart Fellowship winner Ms. Maren HülsmannLearning from the Bios of the winners can inspire us to find the right institutions for applicants. 

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Inspiring meetings

The first six months of the biennium are coming to an end, and we've seen some great work and progress. I am very honoured to be your Governor - it is a unique experience in my life.

Since July, I have held regular meetings with the District Board and Committee Chairs to work together on the goals and programs of Zonta International.

Last month, I attended the first Area Meetings of Area 01+02 online and Area 03 in Würzburg.  What an inspiring experience for me to meet and talk to so many of you!

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Founding a Golden Z Club

I am pleased to note that some clubs are interested in forming Z and Golden Z Clubs. 
After the presentations by the chair Gundula Viering at the Area Meetings the following clubs have already expressed interest:

Area 02: ZC Brixen, ZC Bozen-Bressanone

Area 03: ZC Erlangen, ZC Erfurt, ZC Fränkisches Seenland

The Golden Z- and Z Team is looking forward to further interested parties, please contact them via mail: Gundula Viering


Thanks to the 4 Area Directors, Committee Chairs and Committee Members for all their great work!

A special thanks goes to the "Communication for Greater Visibility" committee. We can now regularly follow the activities across our district via social media on Facebook and Instagramand the website.

Please send regularly your club activities with photos and a short text to our District's Communication for Greater Visibility committee!

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Say NO to Non-State-Torture

A great exhibition was installed in the UNO City in Vienna, under the direction of DR.inIngeborg Geyer (ZC Wien I, Past International Director and UN Representative Vienna.) “Say NO to Non-State-Torture” 

I had the privilege to be present at the opening ceremony and realized once again that we still have a long way to go for human rights to become women's rights.

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International News


The 67th session of the Commission on the Status of Women will take place from 6-17 March 2023. NGO CSW 67 will be hybrid: 80% virtual and 20% in person. Over 1000 NGOs and ECOSOC-accredited organizations have been approved to attend. The civil society division of UN Women has received 200 written statements from NGOs that will be reviewed and published by UN editors at least six weeks before 6 March.

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Join CSW67

Check out the information below to learn more about NGO CSW 67. I hope that many Zontians will register and attend! I look forward to seeing you there!


What is NGO CSW Forum and what is UN CSW?

What are this year’s themes?

Priority theme: Innovation and technological change, and education in the digital age for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls

Review theme: Challenges and opportunities in achieving gender equality and the empowerment of rural women and girls (agreed conclusions of the sixty-second session).

If interested, please fill out this form and you will be added to a contact list through which key conference information will be communicated by Zonta International Headquarters.

We are all committed working to 
Build a Better World for Women and Girls.


Save the dates:

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1-31 January 2023

Each January, Zonta International celebrates the spirit and impact of legendary pilot Amelia Earhart, one of our most famous former members.

AMELIA EARHART DAY - 11 January 2023

On this day, we commemorate the records Amelia Earhart broke 88 years ago when she embarked on a 2,408-mile trip from Honolulu, Hawaii to Oakland, California, making her the first person to fly solo to the United States mainland from Hawaii and the first person to fly across both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.


11 February 2023

The International Day of Women and Girls in Science was established in 2015 to help achieve full and equal access to and participation in science for women and girls, and further achieve gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.

Area 01 & Area 02 Meeting 

March 24-26, 2023 that will be held in Opatija, Croatia 

Area 03 Meeting

March 10-11, 2023 the exact location will be announced. Organizer will be ZC Fünfseenland

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Set in the finance metropole of Germany, this 9th European Inter-District Seminar in Frankfurt am Main aims to explore a wide variety of financial questions relevant to women, NGOs and society in tomorrow's digital world. Frankfurt offers the unique combination of high-tech finance environment deeply embedded in one of Germany's oldest cities with a rich history in architecture, art and trade.

Join District 28 as they host a weekend of inspiring panel discussions and workshops with female entrepreneurs and leaders at the edge of a new digital era. I will be there and I hope we will meet each other! 


66th Zonta International Convention Brisbane 2024

June 25, 2024 – June 28, 2024

President Ute Scholz, Executive Director Allison Summers, Convention Chair Judy Gorton and Convention Committee member Jane Adornetto have visited Brisbane City to prepare the Convention 2024. As I hear more from the Committee I’ll let you know.

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Merry Christmas and 
a happy New Year
